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Halal Food

We clearly understand that Muslims are forbidden from consuming pork, alcohol, blood, meat dedicated to false gods, etc., and can ensure and try that the food offered to your child is fully Halal.
All meals(home cooked), snacks, fruit, milk and juices provided are included in the price.*

Children having snacks

Below is a sample of a halal menu showing the different kinds of meals that may be offered. This menu may be subject to change, a mixture or combination of the food shown or may not be exactly the same for any particular week

Meals Food
Breakfast Cereal with milk, boiled eggs, bread toast and
Milk or Juice or Water is offer as a drink
Morning break Pasta or Rice or Pizza or Fish and Chips. Fruit or fruit yogurt and a glass of fruit juice or water. Carrot or dry fruit or bread and butter.
Milk or Juice or Water is offer as a drink
Lunch Sandwiches or Noodles or Toast and beans. Fruit or fruit yogurt and a glass of fruit juice or water. Chicken/mutton/fish with potatoes or vegetables, salad and fruit
Milk or Juice or Water is offer as a drink
After school Crackers, dried fruit, apple slices
Milk or Juice or Water is offer as a drink
Afternoon Break Cookies and fruit juice or milk or water.
Dinner Spaghetti with pasta or Rice with vegetables or mice meat. Fruit or fruit yogurt and a glass of fruit juice or water. Chicken/mutton/fish with vegetables or salad potatoes, bread butter rolls, desert
Milk or Juice or Water is offer as a drink
Last Evening break Sandwich or toast with butter or cheese.

* IMPORTANT: As a rule we do not cook pork or any form of it or buy any products which may be a by-product of it. Food / Meals prepared is mashed for babies. Milk provided is full fat standard fresh milk. Off the shelf baby food and milk is not included in the price. If your child is on special diet then you need to provide your own food.

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