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Print Instructions for PDF Documents

Its always a good idea to save as much as you possible can, even while printing. Just follow these instructions as illustrated below to save paper

  1. Assuming that you have the PDF document open, click the 'PRINT' icon which is located on the top left on the toolbar of your Adobe Reader
  2. When the print menu appears, select 'Even pages only' from Subset. Make sure that the other checks are according to the illustration and click 'Print'
  3. The printer should now start printing. Make sure that you keep the sequence of papers being printed correct
  4. The paper printed should all be the even number pages. If you have not disturbed the sequence. Take the papers, turn them over, face down and re-insert them into the printer. You are now going to print on the back of these
  5. The PDF document should still be open, click the 'PRINT' icon again
  6. This time when the print menu appears, select 'Odd pages only' from Subset. Make sure that the other checks are according to the illustration and click 'Print'
  7. Once printing is over, take the printed papers, and put them in the correct number sequence. You may want to staple them
  8. All done

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