We have run a compatibility check to ensure that you can view this site perfectly. This site has been tested on Internet Explorer and FireFox using a PC only.
We apologise if this website does not work correctly and fully on other browsers and platforms.
means ABOVE RECOMMENDATION and should be smooth sailing
means BELOW RECOMMENDATION and may have a problem
Browser type and version
- Your BROWSER is
- Your browser VERSION is
Browser security
- Can browser handle COOKIES
- You have JAVASCRIPT switched
- Can browser handle ACTIVEX CONTROLS
- Maybe
- Can browser handle VBSCRIPT
- Maybe
Display and Layout
- Can Browser handle TABLES
- Yes
- Can Browser handle FRAMES
- Maybe
- Browser width is
- pixels
- Browser height is
- pixels
- Screen Resolution width is
- pixels
- Screen Resolution height is
- pixels
- Color depth is
- colors
Plug-in Information
OS Platform
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