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Mobile Phone and Camera policy

Our policy regarding use of mobile phone within our setting is as under;

  1. No one other than us is allowed to use their mobile phones in the children’s play area.
  2. No one other than us is allowed to use a camera to record children’s progress.
  3. We use our mobile phones to store parents / emergency contact numbers so they are available when we are outdoors.
  4. To avoid misuse of mobile phone and to ensure all information stored on it is secured, our mobile phones are password protected.
  5. We use our camera (digital camera or phone camera) to take photos of children which are used to show the children’s learning and development and for display to help them feel part of the provision.
  6. We password protect photos sent over the internet - for example by email - to parents or absent parents if requested.
  7. Photographs of children are used on our website to advertise our business.
  8. Only appropriate photographs of children are used where they are properly dressed.
  9. Photographs are transferred to our computer which is password protected.
  10. Unwanted photographs or photographs that are no longer required are deleted from our computer, camera and mobile phones.
  11. We only use our own printer to print photographs to use to create a child’s profile.
  12. Photographs of child-minded children are only shown to e.g. Ofsted, local authority development workers and the child’s parent / carer.
  13. Children are not allowed to use their own mobile phones, cameras within our settings.
  14. Parents / carers / visitors are requested not to use their phones once they have entered our premises.
  15. We are constantly vigilant on the use of mobile and camera by parent / carers and visitors and if we notice that a parent / carers and visitors have taken a picture they are requested to delete it immediently from their phone.
  16. All parents /carers are requested to give written permission at the time of registration to take and use photos of their children.
  17. To stop any potential risk, no other device outside our secured network is connected or linked to our mobile phones or camera.

If there is anything in this policy that you are unclear about or unhappy with, please email us or contact us

Contact us today! or register your child with us.

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